

Any human activity has an impact on the environment. But, we aim to minimize it. We employ natural farming principles that ensure our activities are truly sustainable.

We are always pushing for ways to become more sustainable. We work in respect of nature and seasonality, and we always avoid the over-use of natural resources. Our climate smart agriculture is based on nature’s cycles and we never carry out any deforestation.

How we apply sustainability to our activities

To ensure that we are always practicing sustainable farming, we raise and feed our cattle differently. While the majority of the world’s meat is produced using grains in confined spaces, we only ever raise our cattle outdoors, on pasture. As well as providing each animal with more space (more than one hectare per head), this also means we do not have to give them growth hormones or antibiotics. Less density also means less methane and our approach means CO2 is absorbed by the grassland. This process is helped further because we have built our own artificial lake which minimizes water waste and usage

Although there is currently no agricultural solution to ensuring chemicals such as fertilizers do not need to be used, we make sure we practice sustainable agriculture. We protect the soil using rotation and we never use monoculture. This ensures the highest possible yield on a sustainable basis. Additionally, we always use irrigation collected from the rain (not from the soil) and only ever use the best lands for this activity.



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