

For us, authenticity in farming means three things: observing traditions, backing up claims we make and promoting the history of our surroundings.

To ensure authenticity, we produce our meat and crops while respecting as many Uruguayan traditions as possible. On top of this, we also only ever make claims that we can back up and measure. For example, we are completely carbon-neutral (and actively looking for certification that will show this).

In addition, we actively promote the history of farming and the specific history of each of our farms. We believe this is an important point that should be celebrated. Our farmers are hard-working locals who have traditionally worked the land for generations.

How we apply authenticity to our activities

Authenticity applies to everything we aim to achieve. As a result, the principles that underpin responsible agriculture are applied to every activity we undertake. For example, we respect ancestral farming traditions by using horses on the farm and feeding grass to the cattle. Similarly, to prove our eco-credentials, we are actively applying for certifications to show that we are a carbon-neutral farm.

On top of this, we also ensure full traceability from the farm to the table. This allows for storytelling and makes sure that the customer always knows where their meat is coming from.

To show our commitment to responsible farming, we also ensure that all our animals are born and fed on the farm. All our activities are entirely traceable, and our meat is marked and identifiable right up until it reaches the butcher’s shop.



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